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BMEC Bionic Barrier Chip

BMEC Bionic Barrier Chip

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BMEC Bionic Barrier Chip

Product Description

Bio Micro-Environments Chip (BMEC) is prepared by microfabrication technology using biocompatible materials. The chip consists of two independent cell culture spaces, the upper and lower layers of which are connected and interact with each other through a translucent porous membrane. It can realize the co-culture of more than two kinds of cells, and at the same time, it can carry out microfluidic perfusion, bionically simulating the blood flow of the human body, providing continuous nutrients for tissue cells and eliminating metabolic products.

Scope of Use

Bio Micro-Environments Chip (BMEC) is used to bionically simulate 3D physiological and pathological microenvironments at different tissue-tissue interfaces in the human body. It is mainly used to simulate the blood-brain barrier, pulmonary air-blood barrier, placental barrier, glomerular filtration barrier, intestinal-vascular barrier, tumor-vascular barrier, etc. It is also used to simulate the cellular environment in the matrix. It is also used to simulate physiological and pathological processes such as cell invasion in the matrix and vascularization of 3D tissues and organs.


The whole process should be operated under aseptic environment and conditions.

Air bubbles should be avoided in the chip channel during operation, and if air bubbles are generated, they should be driven out to prevent them from affecting cell attachment, growth and fusion.

Next:CSwell 6002024-06-14

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