Research Services on the Gut Microbiota of Organoids
I. Examples of fecal water co-culture services
Figure 1: Effect of Yaq-001 on the permeability of small intestinal-like organs.
A. Small intestinal organoids from C57BL/6 mice were cultured and polarity flipped (apical-out); F-actin labeled intestinal epithelial cell microvilli.
B. Polarity-turned organoids were differentiated and matured under suspension culture conditions and expressed cup cell marker (MUC2);
C. Fecal water sourced from different treatment groups of liver injury was co-cultured with organoids, and Yaq-001 reduced the barrier permeability of intestinal organoids
(Liu J, et al. Gut 2024;0:1-15. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2023-330699).
II. Probiotic co-culture service cases
Mucus layer: WGA Mucus layer: Villin
Organochip simulates the microenvironment of intestinal flora
Intestinal organ chips, which can simulate the intestinal absorption of food and drugs, protective effects of probiotics and other applied research.
Tel: +86 139 1378 9040
Address: Room 1021, R&D Building, Taicang Biomedical Industrial Park, Suzhou, China
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