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Organoids Tissue Embedding Glue (SE-Gel)S-001

Organoids Tissue Embedding Glue (SE-Gel)S-001

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Organoids Tissue Embedding Glue (SE-Gel)

Product Description

Jeans Bio has developed a simple and easy-to-use embedding kit for organoid using porcine extracellular matrix, which can embed a small amount of organoid in tens of microliters or even dozens of microliters of embedding gel, and then pre-stained to ensure that the organoid and the droplet location can be observed during sectioning, so as to prevent important samples from being lost in the process of sectioning. The embedding process can be performed in a routine laboratory without the need for special instruments, reagents and consumables, and multiple samples can be embedded in less than an hour. The procedure and reagents do not cause any damage to the organoids. The embedded organoids are similar to normal tissues and can be directly prepared for paraffin sectioning or OCT frozen sectioning.

Kit Specifications

Cat. #



Stg. Cond.




2-8°C storage




Store at room temperature


Cleaning fluid


Store at room temperature

Contains ethanol, no open flame




2-8°C storage


Pasteurized pipette

2 sticks



Synopsis (of a play or film)

1 copy


Note: This kit can encapsulate 10~50 samples.


Dissolved SE-Gel embedding gel is stored below -20°C with a shelf life of 3 months. 2-8°C for 1 week. During use, ensure that the embedding gel is operated on ice throughout.

The rest of the reagents are stored at room temperature, prohibit open flame.


This product cannot be used after dilution.

In order to achieve the desired experimental results, try to avoid repeated freezing and thawing, and can be used after appropriate dispensing.

This product is for scientific research only, not for clinical diagnosis or treatment, not for food or medicine, and not to be stored in ordinary homes.

For the safety and health of experimental personnel, it is recommended to wear lab coats, masks and disposable gloves during the experimental process.


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